Humanitech Showcase
Collaborative Innovation Through Community Co-Design
Anthony McCosker Professor of Media and Communication, Swinburne University and Director of Swinburne University Social Innovation Research Institute. Chief Investigator in ADM+S
Pilot community representative
Lauren Hicks Head of Social Impact, QBE Insurance
Fyowna Norton Senior State Manager, Programs, Australian Red Cross
Chair: Julia Goodall Senior Manager Humanitech, Australian Red Cross
Immerse in an engaging showcase of a multi-partner collaboration in progress led by Humanitech, featuring QBE Foundation, The Coca-Cola Foundation, ARC Centre of Excellence in Automated Decision Making and Society (ADM+S), Australian Red Cross programs and the pilot community of Dargo in Victoria.
We invite you to take an insider look on how we are collaborating in new ways to help communities harness and shape technology to adapt and prepare for the humanitarian impacts of climate change.
Launched in 2024 through an exciting new innovation partnership between QBE Insurance, Leading Cities and Australian Red Cross Humanitech, and with over 120 global start ups seeking to address a community climate resilience problem as part of the QBE AcceliCITY Resilience Challenge - Humanitarian Track - the project is now preparing to pilot with a community.
This session highlights the combined value of the diverse stakeholders involved, who will share their insights and learning about the journey so far.